Our Consultants

Contact Information
Chan May Hwee
陈美慧 (メイ)



CEA Reg. No

+65 9199 9698

Contact Number


Contact Email

For Faster Enquiry you can call May at +65 9199 9698

About Chan May Hwee
陈美慧 (メイ)

Meet May who is our Japanese-speaking consultant!

Prior to joining STRE, she has worked in Japan and a Japanese real estate company in Singapore. With a deep understanding of the Japanese culture and a commitment to excellence, she specialises in supporting Japanese expatriates and companies in their real estate needs. Her patience, resourcefulness and attention to details make her a highly sought after consultant who often goes beyond her duties to meet her clients’ needs.

私はメイと申します。広島県の尾道市で2年間在住、シンガポールで日系不動産会社で5年間働いた経験があり、 現在STREに所属。




大和不動産鑑定株式会社 西尾 栄二 様

(Daiwa Kantei International Pte. Ltd. 代表)



週刊「不動産経済Focus&Research1464号に記事が掲載されました | NEWS | 大和不動産鑑定株式会社 (daiwakantei.co.jp)

I was introduced to May by a friend and she helped me find a house in Singapore. She arranged for me to view more than 10 units in half a day, and I was able to decide on a place to live by the end of the day. Before moving in, she explained to me in Japanese the differences in the tenancy agreement as compared to that of in Japan, and helped me with the utilities set-up so that I could start my life in Singapore smoothly.

I also received support for property management during the tenancy, and although there were many differences from Japanese lease contract, such as negotiating with the property owner about repairs and selecting an air conditioner servicing company, I was able to live stress-free thanks to May. 

日系機関 長田 様


May has experience working in Japan and is fluent in Japanese. From our first e-mail correspondence, I could sense her politeness and sincere personality. During the property search, she was polite and flexible in responding to my requests, and I was able to leave the negotiations with the landlord in her good hands. She was also quick to respond to issues I had during the tenancy, which was really a great help. When I look for a house again in the future, I will definitely choose May, who has a wonderful smile and is always energetic and positive.

日系機関 大辻 様


I was worried about living abroad for the first time, but I am now living in Singapore with a peace of mind because of the kind support I always received when I had problems with my unit as well as when I had to make arrangements with the owner! May is a trustworthy agent.